KinocirKus is a collaborative project, a common platform to share ideas and experiences, a meeting place for people involved in a/v experimentation. Our aim is to create innovative spaces where people can connect and participate with their surroundings. Members include an eclectic, international mix of VJs, video artists, sculptors, animators, filmmakers, programmers, and photographers. Our projects combine architectural mapping, video mapping, interactive installation, VJing and live audio/visual performances. Let us know what you need ► send your projects and proposal to We offer audiovisual services, we can build your visual stage or videomap whatever you want. Don't hesitate to contact us!
Jsme KinocirKusáci! Nezávislá skupina VJů, působící v Praze a v Římě. Spojuje nás vášeň pro audiovizuální vystoupení, video instalace a video mapping. Kinocirkus je místem setkání audiovizuálních experimentátorů, je to otevřená platforma pro sdílení nápadů a zkušeností. Zapojte se s vašimi projekty a nápady! Neváhejte nás kontaktovat na !
KinocirKus è un collettivo aperto e indipendente impegnato nella realizzazione di performance audiovisive, video mapping e installazioni interattive attraverso l’uso sperimentale delle nuove tecnologie. I membri del gruppo sono un eclettico mix di VJ, video artisti, scultori, animatori, filmaker e fotografi. Il nostro scopo è quello di costruire spazi innovativi dove le persone possono connettersi e partecipare attraverso l’interazione con l’ambiente. I nostri progetti comprendono mapping architetturale, video mapping, installazioni interattive, stage mapping, VJing e performance audiovisive. KinocirKus è una piattaforma internazionale per condividere idee ed esperienze attraverso sperimentazioni audiovisive, creando progetti unici. Potete contattarci scrivendoci a !
BYOB is a series of one-night-exhibitions hosting artists and their projectors. It gives the opportunity to people involved in VJing and other live visual arts to get in touch and connect, sharing their skills and showing their work to other collegues. BYOB creates an international temporary platform that brings an unique opportunity to build a global network for Vjs. Firstly conceived by Rafaël Rozendaal, BYOB has quickly became an excellent chance for VJs to meet other VJs, creating a huge collection of improvisative and temporary visual installations that reach its climax with the resulting BYOB party event.
Our multigenre events create temporary platforms in different venues, for any kind of art. Our aim is to create innovative spaces where people can connect and participate with their surroundings.
The aim of these meetings is to connect Prague VJs so that they can share each others projects, supporting the creation of a free network. During the meetings it is possible to freely talk and present anything concerning the VJing and Visual Performances world. The attendees have a projector at their disposal and they are encouraged to bring any toy, to come experiment freely in the space which is kindly provided by Klub FAMU.
Video Mapping
Video Mapping is a multipurpose technique that allows endless possibilities manipulating the surface of a space.
Live Visuals
Live Visuals are the core of VJing, we like to combine generative visuals with original footage.
LED Mapping
LED lights are great if merged with video mapping, we are experimenting various set up and mappings since last year.
Interactive Media
Some of our interactive installations are realized with the use of Kinect, Leap Motion, Raspberry Pi and VVVV.